Docker CLI

Another CLI cheat sheet; this time for Docker.

Whenever you edit the Dockerfile, the image needs to be rebuilt:

 docker build -t name .

List locally stored images:

docker image list

Run a container with a specified image:

docker run myImage

-d: detached. Run the container in the background. Don’t overtake the terminal with output from the container.

–rm: remove the container when stopped. recommended to always include this in every docker run command

–hostname: assign a hostname to the container. useful for container networking.

-p: map port 80 from the container to port 8086 on the host

-v: mounts volumes to the container. retains data (stored on the host) that is written to the filesystem by the container after a restart

Example run command:

docker run \
    -d \
    --rm \
    -p8086:80 \
    -v name:/data \
    --name="mycontainer" \

Launch the container with shell (/bin/bash):

-it: For interactive processes (like a shell), you must use -i -t together to allocate a tty for the container process.

Full command to start a container, name it, and launch a bash prompt within it:

docker run -it --rm --name mycontainer myimage /bin/bash

View logs of a detached container:

docker logs mycontainer -f

List running containers:

docker ps

Stop the running container:

docker stop mycontainer


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